Sunday, October 29, 2023
1:00 – 3:00PM
Digital Scholarship Lab classroom, MSU Library (366 W. Circle Drive)
This workshop focuses on advancing participants’ skills in composing the parts and whole of an image, as well as the editing and refining of the AI-generated image afterward. Participants will explore concepts and techniques of composition such as proportionality, foreground and background relations, leading lines, visual rhythm and pattern, and so forth. The emphasis will be on how to fold these concepts and techniques into the prompt state, and control the evolution and progression of their artwork. We will also look at how to specify lighting, aspect rations, technical details like lens characteristics, and resolution.
IMPORTANT: Participation in this workshop series is limited to MSU students, faculty, staff, and alumni with an active MSU netID. Registration in the workshop is free, but participants must purchase their own basic Midjourney subscription ($10/month). If you no longer wish to participate, please email us and we can cancel your workshop registration.